nosotros creemos

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Big Idea: Knowing Yourself

6:40 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Our big idea about the major creative assignment is "Knowing Yourself". For us, "Knowing Yourself" means being able to understand ourselves and reflect from it, through that we may change and grow. Basically, the aim of "Knowing Yourself" idea is to let students of all kinds to get to know what they're doing and then change from it. For example, bullies who often coerce students may learn that it is a bad thing to do and reflect from our project and change. Another example is a brilliant student that may reflect upon him/herself and realize that he/she can improve him/herself and the surroundings by being willing to help his/her classmates.

We chose that topic because we think that it is important for students to be able to reflect upon him/herself and change from it because no matter what nobody is perfect, and we all can improve. Our Worldview topics may help the students to reflect by questioning the major questions, understanding the attributes of God and His grace, mercy and love towards His enemies. Students may learn to practice the 4S to Hear God's Voice and receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit, etc. By doing so, the people around us could benefit from the merits it gave.

The simple ways to understand "Knowing Yourself" is to know:

  • Maslow's Hierarchy & People are Equally Important
    • Students may reflect on his/her maturity and the fact that everyone is created equal. From there, students may understand that mistreating other students is wrong and they are not supposed to do so.
  • Bullying & Conflict Resolution
    • Bullying does not result to anything positive because it is a lose-lose position. In which the bully lost his/her classmates' trust and is disliked by people while the victim is at loss because of the pressure he/she receives. In order to be at win-win position, bullying must be stopped.
  • Needs vs Desire & Hunger for the Gospel
    • Everyone has their own needs and they may find trouble overcoming it. By learning to be hungry for the gospel and the right way of living, we may be given fulfillment away from human desires.
  • Attributes of God & Misconceptions
    • God is often misunderstood as scary and punishing although He is graceful and kind. Students may reflect that there are many misunderstandings among students, but because God is merciful and forgiving, He can help guide us to overcome the misconceptions towards the others and help us and our friends to grow.
  • Hearing God's Voice & The 4S
    • Whenever a student is in trouble, he/she may learn to hear God's voice instead of bottling up all the troubles in him/herself. By understanding the concept of 4S, the student may be guided to learn more about God's way and truth.
  • 4 Major Questions & Walking in Faith
    • Every human, students too, questions the 4 worldview questions. But because of their uncertainty, they may be mislead. Through learning about faith, we may be guided through the path with Christ and seek the answers of our questions in Him.
From the above, we hope to be able to find spiritual and emotional development from the student body and people around. The worldview concepts may help the growth of the students' understanding towards the people in their lives. Because of that, we chose our topic of "Knowing Yourself".

Rough Design Draft

1:17 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
This post is shows the rough design of the major creative project's final results. Below is a few pictures of the design's development:




Friday, February 6, 2015

Major Creative Project

12:05 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
This semester, we were ask as a team to develop ORIGINAL artwork representing an interconnected, mind-map graphic showing all the thoughts we covered last semester - AND THEN, FROM THE THOUGHTS, DEVELOP A NEW IDEA SHOWING HOW WE CAN CHANGE ON THE INSIDETO BETTER ALIGN WITH OUR DEVELOPING WORLDVIEW.

Here's what we did last week in 20min:

Today, we discussed about this even more. Here's our brainstorm of things we learned last semester.


  1. Hearing God’s voice
  2. 4S
  3. Attributes Of God
  4. Bullying
  5. The Fillipinos are worth dying for(should be indonesian)
  6. What is The Holy Spirit
  7. The Fruit of the spirit
  8. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
  9. Needs vs Desire
  10. Conflict and Resolution
  11. Christ’s Salvation
  12. Hunger for the Gospel
  13. Misconception of God
  14. The 4 Major Worldview Questions
  15. Walking with faith

When we tried to interconnect it, here's the result:
  1. Maslow’s hierarchy= People are equally important:
    1. You need to be mature in order to develop a view of the world that perceives or believes all individuals are important
    2. Since we have already matured in our own ways we can start to help other people to develop a religious and ethical view towards the people around us.
  1. Bullying and conflict resolution
    1. We need to resolve conflict to stop bullying.
    2. If both people find common ground and get to know each other bullying would have never occurred.
    3. Everyone wants to be understood but buy resolving conflict we could understand a person a bit better.
    4. Bullying can start when there’s a disagreement. For example, a student wanted the test to be earlier, while other lazy students doesn’t. At first it will be just anger, but it can grow into severe bullying.

  1. Needs vs Desire & Hunger for the Gospel
    1. We have our needs (water, food, clothes, education, etc.) and our humane desires (entertainment, distractions, etc.)
    2. We have desires because we are hungry to be content
    3. But we realize that our humane desires can’t make us full
    4. So, in order to overcome our desires, we have to start being hungry for the gospel
    5. Knowing and feeding on the gospel will make us feel full and content instead of seeking for “distractions”

  1. Attributes of God can make misconceptions
    1. Attribute: God is omnipresent
    2. Misconception: I’m forced to be good everywhere I go, God is scary
    3. Some people just think negatively of things, and reading the attributes of God can make people judge God for what he really is

  1. Having to hear God’s voice requires the 4S in life.
    1. Being solitude in a room. Sometimes being alone in a room helps us listen better
    2. Always placing God first as your priority through simplicity. Putting things aside for a better communication.
    3. Surrendering for God.
    4. God is not an item to be compared with. Things in life do not compare to him. Simplicity.

  1. 4 Worldview Questions & Walking in Faith
    1. every human questions the basic 4 worldview questions in their life
    2. they are often confused with the indefinite answers
    3. Although we walk blindfolded, we can be guided through faith in christ alone.
    4. we can seek answers in faith

Now that we have this, we just needed a way to present this in artwork, and THE BIG IDEA.
Something we could do to change someone?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Caitlyn Rusli

7:47 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Caitlyn Rusli is a 14-year-old girl who has enrolled herself at the prestigious school of Springfield International Curriculum. She is very musically gifted and she practices every single day. When she is in on a grand piano she is like a younger Martha Argerich. She is doing ok academically and she spends most of her weekends reading the finest pieces of literature and watching the big bang theory. She wants to be a psychologist and will soon be the next Mary Ainsworth. She is a strong believer in Christ and has devoted herself into understanding the word of God. Although she is still a student, she wants to be better and is very enthusiastic about psychology. She also says that going to Springfield was one of the best decisions in her teenage years.

Elizabeth Carissa

7:45 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Elizabeth Carissa, a visual learner born in November 4, is another springfield student with one of the biggest dreams planned ahead of her. She believes she’s able to make her dreams come true, to be remembered in history, such as being remembered in a book.

She has a strong passion to make a positive difference to the world, have a dream job and a beautiful future. As an Indonesian, she wished to be able to change the environment, such as pollution in the city, as well as street safety and crime reduction. She said, “ I wanted to walk the streets without worrying to get murdered or raped.”

But to achieve this, she has to change her sleeping routine - only sleeping for 5 hours at the most during weekdays, sometimes just 2-3 hours during busy days. Regardless of her tiring days, she had shown hard work over the school years, being able to be a great representation of Springfield International School.

Jason Sutanto

7:40 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Jason is a 14 year old Indonesian kid who goes to Springfield International School to study. His family consists of four, including his mom, dad, his twin brother and himself. When he's not playing sports outside he could be found at home watching episodes of The Big Bang Theory.

 During his spare time, he loves going out to look for new comic books to add to his collection of Marvel superheroes. One thing he hates though are horror movies. Jason would like to be a successful businessman when he grows up, being able to speak several languages including Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia is a perk for his dreams.

Richelle Farren

7:36 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
Richelle Farren is 14 years old Indonesian, born on the 10th of July, 2000 in Siloam Hospital Pluit. She is raised with her loving parents and two younger siblings as a Christian. Now, she is currently enrolled in Springfield International School's Grade 9C.

Richelle enjoys collecting cards like airplane tickets or subway stubs from another country because they're unique. She is confident with her best feature of cleaning up, a lot. That's why Richelle wouldn't mind an extra piece of ticket because she would collect them in an album. Regardless of that, the girl gets distracted easily so she finds it a hard time to focus on a single thing.

As a student, Richelle thinks she does not do really well at school although she wants to do well in the field of International Business. Nonetheless, her daily regret includes lazing around everyday and wishes to change it. In the future, she hopes to be a successful businesswoman and make her parents proud. She said, "if you believe that you can do, don't worry and move forward."