nosotros creemos

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Elizabeth Carissa

7:45 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
Elizabeth Carissa, a visual learner born in November 4, is another springfield student with one of the biggest dreams planned ahead of her. She believes she’s able to make her dreams come true, to be remembered in history, such as being remembered in a book.

She has a strong passion to make a positive difference to the world, have a dream job and a beautiful future. As an Indonesian, she wished to be able to change the environment, such as pollution in the city, as well as street safety and crime reduction. She said, “ I wanted to walk the streets without worrying to get murdered or raped.”

But to achieve this, she has to change her sleeping routine - only sleeping for 5 hours at the most during weekdays, sometimes just 2-3 hours during busy days. Regardless of her tiring days, she had shown hard work over the school years, being able to be a great representation of Springfield International School.


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